MSK-IX / News


July 1, 2024
DPC logistics 101: How to choose the right data center
The industry’s requests for data processing centers were one of the issues raised during the business part of the Cableman #NEFORMAT event. Grigory Kuzin, Director of the Medialogistika 2.0 project, describes what operators need to pay attention to in order to choose the right data center.
June 27, 2024
Third edition of the Internet from the Inside book is out
The InData Foundation for the Development of Network Technologies has published the third edition of a book by Andrei Robachevsky, The Internet from the Inside: Architecture of the Internet Ecosystem. The book has been updated and expanded.
June 6, 2024
MSK-IX opens white nights season with friends
On May 30, St. Petersburg hosted a landmark telecommunications industry event, Evening Cocktail with MSK-IX. The reunion, organized by MSK-IX, brought together more than 200 senior executives of local telecom operators, media companies, content providers, data centers and other IT and telecom businesses.
May 29, 2024
Advertising: New growth point for cable operators
Director of the Medialogistika 2.0 project Grigory Kuzin took part in the Russian Communications Operators’ Conference 2024 (KROS-2024) with a presentation on new trends in the media market and ways operators can benefit from them to improve their bottom line.
March 21, 2024
Medialogistika 2.0: Maximum redundancy of TV service
At the ТТС & Sibeer-IX '24 conference, Project Director Grigory Kuzin of Medialogistika 2.0, spoke about the features and advantages of sending television signals over two independent networks for cable television operators.
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