MSK-IX / News / Internet regulation should take into account the interests of the state, users and business
March 29, 2017

Internet regulation should take into account the interests of the state, users and business

MSK-IX became a partner of the conference Ensuring Trust and Security When Using ICT.
Internet regulation should take into account the interests of the state, users and business
Internet regulation should take into account the interests of the state, users and business

Moscow is hosting the conference, Ensuring Trust and Security When Using ICT, held by the Association of Documentary Telecommunications. MSK-IX is a partner of the conference, and MSK-IX Director General Yelena Voronina was a moderator of the roundtable discussion, Developing the National System to Manage the Russian Segment of the Internet. The discussion was attended by Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU Andrei Vorobyov, Executive Director of the Association of Documentary Telecommunications Alexander Ivanyuk, expert of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communication Alexei Krymin, Director for Operation of c, Director General of the Technical Center of Internet (TCI) Alexei Platonov and ICANN Vice-President Mikhail Yakushev.

Opening the roundtable discussion, Yelena Voronina noted that one of the most important issues in developing national internet governance is maintaining a balance between technology progress and internet security. She invited the participants to express their views on how to determine the digital boundaries of a state, whether the internet needs legislative regulation, how to ensure network security, what to consider critical elements of the internet and how to achieve the harmonious technical development of the national internet segment.

General Director of TCI Alexei Platonov said that to determine digital boundaries, objective criteria are required, which depend on at what level – physical, network or applied – these boundaries are considered. “The internet network is global, and boundaries of the national segment can be determined only within the framework of a specific task,” he said.

Speaking about internet regulation, Alexei Krymin noted that regulation begins when the industry cannot independently regulate certain aspects of its activity. Therefore, business, the state and society should be in constant dialogue and should solve problems that arise in a timely manner.

Mikhail Medrish drew the participants’ attention to the imperfection of internet legislation, which he called “telephone law” in the literal sense: most of the laws dealing with the network were adopted quite long ago and are basically applicable to telephone communications, not taking into account modern realities. These law contain many obsolete “telephone ideas,” so Medrish called for making integrated changes in all laws concerning IC.

Mikhail Yakushev spoke about how international organizations interact with national internet governance systems. According to him, state support is required for organizations dealing with internet technological development.

At the end of the roundtable discussion, Yelena Voronina stated that ensuring the continuity, security and quality of the Russian internet segment is one of the most important tasks that market participants and the state are solving. Therefore, network regulation must pursue clearly formulated goals and take into account the interests of users, the state and business.