Yelena Voronina: Everybody needs connectivity. In an era of the Internet of Things and big data, it’s strange to manage yourteakettle via other countries

The 14th Peering Forum MSK-IX kicked off on November 23 at the International Trade Center. This year over 1,000 people registered for the forum, setting a new record.
Rostelecom TsOD was the general partner, Modul was special partner, and the Technical Center of the Internet, NGENIX, MSK-IX, Mastertel, Huawei, Qrator Labs, TechnoCity, StoreData, Transneft Telecom, IT-grad and VASEXPERTS were partner companies.
Golden partner D-Russia, silver partner 3D News and industrial publications ComNews, X Media, TsODy.RF,,, Vestnik Svyazi,,, ICT2GO, First Mile, MEDIA GRUS and Comnews provided information support.
MSK-IX General Director Yelena Voronina opened the forum. In her welcoming remarks she said:
«Telecom companies are moving more intoIT services; there are only a few remaining communications operators. We support this trend. MSK-IX’s task is to support companies in their efforts to provide fast and high quality data transfer services. Everybody needs connectivity. In an era of the Internet of Things and big data, it’s strange to manage your tea kettle via other countries.»
MSK-IX Commercial Director Yevgeny Morozov noted, «The development of MSK-IX products is moving towards convenience and simplicity of service management. Today we are focusing on the expansion of MSK-IX’s main network: the network of partnership. This makes us a global company.» Morozov also recognized the partners of the year: Milecom, Megafon and RETN, and gave them commemorative items.
Director Grigory Kuzin of the Medialogistics project described what was accomplished this year: new television channels were added and the FIFA World Cup was broadcast. «Medialogistics is developing rapidly; and in only a year the range of television channels has grown from 200 to 300. We also provide 90 percent of all 4K channels broadcast in Russia,» Kuzin said.
Representatives of foreign traffic exchange points are invited to the Peering Forum every year. This time representatives from DE-CIX and LINX were invited. DE-CIX representative Christoph Dietzel dedicated his speech to the spread of remote peering and other R&D projects his company is working on, and LINX’s Mark Stokes spoke on introducing a new technology for LINX network management function disaggregation.
Jan Cleary, Google, spoke about the company’s opportunities and tools provided for operators to organize peering with their resources and noted how useful MSK-IX and other IXPs were for effective traffic exchange.
MSK-IX Technical Director Alexander Ilyin listed the main development points from this year: «We have managed to establish a single port for ordering multi-services and we can distribute 100 Gb in any presence point,» Ilyin said.