MSK-IX / News / Medialogistika sets trends
July 1, 2021

Medialogistika sets trends

During his speech at the Telecom Community Party in Samara, MSK-IX Medialogistika Director Grigory Kuzin spoke about the development philosophy of the TV signal terrestrial delivery platform and its competitive advantages.
Medialogistika sets trends
Medialogistika sets trends

MSK-IX has built a federal-scale platform for terrestrial delivery of TV channels over fiber-optic networks. Medialogistika is not the only project on the market, but it has a significant number of different things compared to its competitors and it is largely setting the industry trends at the moment.

To begin with, other terrestrial TV delivery companies have infrastructure, which is mainly located in Moscow, while Medialogistika has more than 40 of its own communication hubs in all the federal districts of Russia, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, to which regional operators are connected.

In addition to this, Medialogistika was the first to launch special OTT versions of TV channels for internet streaming and began to use corresponding designation in their names. For example, the platform has such TV channels as Match SD, Match HD and Match OTT. This naming style took root on the market, and the TV channels themselves began to use it.

Another two trends set by Medialogistika are separating SD and HD delivery channels when many large broadcasters left the SD version for the satellite and began delivering HD in the terrestrial way, as well as the transfer from SDI to IP formats of TV channels. All of this makes it possible for the platform’s clients to save up quite a bit.

Now Medialogistika is setting another trend on the market: the organization of SRT redundancy. The main goal of the platform is to ensure the continuous TV signal delivery to operators all across the country, which can only be achieved when organizing delivery via fiber-optic communication lines with redundancy of both channels and equipment.

On the other hand, Medialogistika is looking for redundancy solutions with the minimal cost for the operators. Creating a basic optical connection to a platform hub in the region with the operator’s presence and organizing redundancy via the open internet using the signal in the SRT format is among such efficient solutions. An open internet channel does not guarantee delivery and it is undesirable to use it for the main channel, but it can be used as a backup.

Here, another two moments must be noted which distinguish Medialogistika from its competitors: a completely terrestrial signal delivery path without a satellite and uniform prices for all operators regardless of the city of their connection. The cost of signal receiving is absolutely the same whether in Moscow, Vladivostok, or in any other city for that matter.

Openness and transparency for clients and partners are the most important principles of Medialogistika’s work.

“We’re not wishful thinkers and we do not twist information about the number of TV channels on our platform like some companies do. Everything is extremely transparent from the very beginning. The list of TV channels on our website is not a product of a marketing officer’s imagination, but the result produced by a special IT system that automatically adds every new TV channel to the catalog only after it has appeared on the platform,” Grigory Kuzin explained.

Medialogistika also has an anti-trend: TV channel neutrality. A lot of companies working on signal delivery also try to earn money by distributing the rights for a TV channel’s content. Medialogistika deliberately denied this approach so that all the content providers were represented on the platform on equal terms.

“We never give preferences to one TV channel or another. The operators make their own choice, which we do not want to influence in any way by promoting this or that channel to the disadvantage of the others. Thanks to this approach, Medialogistika successfully cooperates with both major media holdings and independent content providers,” said Grigory Kuzin.

This trustful approach allows the platform to sign exclusive delivery contracts with content producers. Its catalog includes over 100 exclusive TV channels.

Grigory Kuzin stressed that everything Medialogistika does is aimed at lowering the costs for its clients, and also ensuring the continuous stream of TV channels in the operators’ networks. Everything should be as client-friendly as possible. He said that the platform often receives calls from some TV channel asking to promptly send their signal to a certain operator who receives the signal from a different source that is suffering technical problems. Medialogistika is always forthcoming and delivers the signal within just five minutes, even if it has no commercial benefit.

Thanks to its responsible and innovative approach as well as the sensitivity to market demands, the jury of the Big Digit and Golden Ray awards has repeatedly named the Medialogistika platform the best content distributor since 2017.

In conclusion, the Medialogistika director brought joy to the audience by presenting a very favorable special summer offer for operators, which they can get by submitting an application for connection to a platform hub in any Russian region except Moscow until the end of July 2021.