MSK-IX / News / New 4K TV channel available on Medialogistika platform
June 29, 2021

New 4K TV channel available on Medialogistika platform

The terrestrial television signal delivery catalogue of MSK-IX’s Medialogistika platform now includes Kvadro, an Ultra HD 4K television channel.
New 4K TV channel available on Medialogistika platform
New 4K TV channel available on Medialogistika platform

MSK-IX has presented a new 4K television channel on its Medialogistika platform. Kvadro is an anti-stress channel broadcasting from Vladikavkaz that offers content for relaxation, meditation and chilling. The channel delivers fascinating images of wild nature and popular landmarks from all over the world right to screens at home. The Ultra HD quality creates a full-immersion experience that helps viewers recharge by looking at soothing and pleasant imagery.

The films running on Kvadro are mostly imported from the United States and Canada but the channel plans to produce its own films in the future. The film soundtracks on the channel can be a good background for creative work, yoga, massage or a romantic evening.

Kvadro offers ads-free broadcasting around the clock. The channel’s producers are also marketing Kvadro to the hospitality, restaurant and catering industries (HoReCa). “All major Russian operators run on Medialogistika; that’s why we decided it would be beneficial for us to also cooperate with the platform. We expect to significantly expand our coverage,” Kvadro Editor-in-Chief Vladimir Rodin commented.